
Refurbished Macbook Pro and Ipads

Unfortunately Apple is no longer accepting resellers. Apple also restricts the price companies can sell new products that’s why all new products are sold at the same high prices. But there are no restrictions on used or refurbished products so we are able to sell them to you at a much lower price. Plus you might have noticed the local Apple stores charge ridiculously high prices for used Apple products? We certainly have. In fact it’s almost impossible for us to keep iPads and MacBook Pro’s products in stock, as soon as we get them in their out the door because of our low prices. So if you see something you like you better buy it soon because it’s probably not going to last long.
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Carl Bootsma

By Carl Bootsma

Carl Bootsma is the founder of Heartlandtechs, the technology blog for the computer hub Heartland Computers INC He is the owner of fast growing Information technology company and repair store "Heartland Computes" located at Sioux falls, South Dakota area.